Inspirational Voices
Ableton Live 11 Drum Rack with special presets.
Inspirational voices can be used to inspire and motivate spiritual journeys. A collection of strong poetic impactful phrases about life, love, awareness, spirituality, breath and humanity with a soothing and a happiness promoting effect.
Recorded in France, South Korea and India from the lips of Four female and male spiritual leaders.
We have recorded a few types of voices and sentences, hailing from poetic inspirations to yoga and meditative suggestions.
DoGood Sound is a boutique sound design home, that focuses on “out of the box” sounds and operate in the wellness world.
With its wide network of musicians and producers, DoGood keep searching and collecting ambiance, cinematic, exotic instruments and voices that opens up any production to the world.
Pls check our FAQ page for further information and general instructions.