Shanti mantras
A collection of music for practice
The Shanti Mantras or Peace Mantras are Hindu prayers, generally recited at the beginning and end of religious rituals, discourses, and widely used in the yoga world.
Shanti Mantras are supposed to calm the mind of the reciter and environment around him/her.
Shanti Mantras always end with the sacred syllable Om (Auṃ) and three utterances of the word "Shanti". When Shanti mantras are recited, obstacles from the external, the divine and the internal realms are believed to be pacified.
The collection Includes 9 different Mantras
For each mantra you will find 6 files:
3 files of mantras chanted over a soft pad (3 times, 10 times, 30mn)
3 files of mantras chanted over a Tampura (3 times, 10 times, 30mn)
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Om Sahana Vavatu
Om Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Om Purnamadah Purnamidam
Om Shamno Mitrah Sham Varunah
Om Paraanandaaya Namaha
Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukinaha
Om Sarvesham Svastir bhavatu
Om Swasti Prajabya
Om Twameva Mata Ca Pita Twameva
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